Room Area network solution

Room Area Network - WiFi like at home

A WiFi experience just like at home


These days our homes are absolutely jam-packed with a huge variety of devices connected to the internet. Smartphones, tablets, computers, games consoles, smart TVs, wireless printers, wireless speakers- the list of IoT devices could go on and on. Wifirst recognised long ago that there would be a need to create a technology ecosystem or 'bubble' outside of the home environment. Still, it would need to be secure, uncomplicated and robust. Room Area Network (RAN) was developed to meet this need perfectly.

A typical public WiFi setup often consists of users connecting to an open network, and the traffic is segmented as a basic security precaution, meaning the end-users are isolated from one another. In some circumstance, a secure network key may be provided, but there is no further security beyond this.

The concept behind the RAN is to offer a secure WPA2 or WPA3 encrypted connection 'bubble' for each room in your building. This means that guests can securely connect and enable their devices to communicate with one another within their room, safe in the knowledge that everything is totally secure from all other guests. But the RAN isn't just limited to the guest room. Their devices stay securely connected and accessible throughout the building. Room Area Network provides the same great internet experience your guests are used to at home within your property, securely.

Without Room Area Network

The image below depicts a typical public WiFi setup. No two devices can securely communicate without a complex technical  configuration done by the service provider. Often the WiFi connection can be an unsecured open network. 

Traditional WiFi network in student accommodations and hotels

With Room Area Network

This image provides an overview of the Room Area Network. All devices in each room can easily communicate -while remaining connected to the WiFi- via a secure WPA2 / WPA3 encryption and without the overly complicated configuration.

Private WiFi in student accommodations and hotels

Secure and private WiFi, just like at home

By using a personal WiFi password, users can connect to their own secure “Room Area Network” enabling them to:

Use a wireless printer

It can often be quite challenging to connect wireless printers in a public WiFi environment.

With RAN, your guests can easily and securely connect their printer to their own private Room Area Network.

Listen to music with connected speakers

WiFi-enabled speakers -like printers- are often difficult to connect to within a public WiFi due to the need of a captive portal or landing page to authenticate the device onto the network.

If the wireless device has no internet browser, this can be challenging and often involves a call to IT support. With RAN however, enter your WiFi key and its all available. Securely.

Connect their games console with ease

Games consoles are often another form of device that can struggle to connect to the internet within a public WiFi environment.

Room Area Network makes it easy for your extended stay guests to connect up their console and keep it permanently connected for the duration of their stay.

Would you like to find out more about how Room Area Network could benefit your property?