FTTO (Fibre to the Office) is a dedicated fibre with guaranteed speed, reserved for the client company. No bandwidth sharing. No mutualisation with other buildings. Dedicated FTTO fibre is the most efficient and secure optical fibre technology for businesses with significant connectivity needs.
A highly scalable, professional high-speed connection, up to 10 Gbps.
Dedicated bandwidth for your business. Guaranteed symmetrical speed.
Proactive monitoring and a 4-hour Guaranteed Time to Restore (GTR) in case of a critical incident.
The Wifirst network boasts an unparalleled reach and availability, thanks to established agreements with major operators as well as alternative players. Wifirst has entered into contracts with multiple fibre FTTO collection operators, be it lit or dark fibre, including Orange, Ielo-Liazo, SFR/Completel, Covage, Tutor, Colt, Zayo, Interoute, and more.
The diversity within the Wifirst network allows for a combination of sub-networks from various operators, significantly enhancing service availability. This diversity enables Wifirst to selectively choose the most efficient collection sub-networks based on the geographical location of the site to be connected, the quality and resilience of the sub-network near that site, etc.
In this way, Wifirst ensures optimal national and regional fibre coverage for flexible and resilient solutions. The strategic choice of FTTO fibre technology for dedicated Very High-Speed services aligns with the quality of service demands of businesses.
Wifirst's FTTO offering includes all the elements leading to the delivery of a functional service, whether the fibre is connected to a LAN provided by Wifirst or not.
The choice of FTTO sizing is crucial. An undersized FTTO will result in slowdowns and user frustrations, while an oversized FTTO will incur unnecessary costs! Here are some tips for selecting the right pricing plan.
HOW TO SIZE YOUR FTTO?Fiber FTTO + WiFi at the London headquarters HkX to connect 1700 collaborators spread across 10 floors.
A leader in innovative WiFi and Fibre connectivity solutions since 2002, Wifirst is trusted by thousands of customers across Europe to provide high-quality, robust networks.