Impala, a real PMS Hub for Wifirst

Etienne DETRIE (UK)
24 Jul 2019

The Impala team has kindly written an article about our recent partnership. Let's highlight the reasons why we wanted to work with them.

What service does Impala offer?

Impala is a PMS hub, i.e. a service that centralises communication with a large number of PMS on the market through a single API. Thus, by interconnecting with Impala, Wifirst becomes de facto connected to a multitude of PMS solutions

Why interconnect with PMS?

Interconnecting with a hotel's PMS is a good way to enrich the customer experience. For example, our private WiFi (Room Area Network) offer is clearly enhanced when WiFi passwords are managed automatically on the basis of information sent by the PMS (check-in & check-out). On our TV and Chromecast solutions, the welcome interfaces can be displayed directly in the customer's language and a personalised welcome message can be added. In this way, both customer knowledge and digital services are enhanced.

Simplification of interconnections with our customers' PMS

When Impala was recommended to us by one of our customers (Honotel) - let's take this opportunity to thank them - it quickly became clear that this solution would be of great help in improving our products. Until now, the interconnection to a hotel's PMS, regularly requested by customers, required specific and relatively long and expensive developments. Having access to a hub connected to the major PMSs on the market has resulted in significant savings in development resources, while at the same time facilitating the marketing of products that are now compatible with a growing number of PMSs.
The Impala solution, which is simple, reliable and affordable, has enabled us to quickly solve a recurring problem in our business. A real success story

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