What is WiFi as a Service?

Theo Dimishky
06 Oct 2020

Free WiFi internet access is these days considered to be one of the top 10 amenities expected by hotel residents according to a recent HotelTechReport article. But there is, of course, an associated cost for providing the service, and although guests may not be the ones paying, if it isn't up to scratch, they'll undoubtedly be the ones complaining. 

Providing an excellent WiFi service can be expensive when considering all the hardware needed: Wireless Access Points, switches, cabling, firewall, gateway, and not to mention the data line. Then there is the ongoing maintenance and support should problems ever occur; it all adds up. For this reason, some chose the DIY route, but although perhaps this could be a cheaper path initially, if not installed or managed well, it can easily backfire in the form of poor feedback appearing on online travel review sites, which may consequently impact future bookings. So how to address the challenge of providing an excellent WiFi service, without the pitfalls or the considerable capital investment? The answer: WiFi as a Service.
WiFi as a Service by Wifirst is designed to make life easier when it comes to providing a professional hospitality WiFi solution. We handle everything from the initial survey, cabling, hardware, data line and ongoing support. Unlike other providers, we make no profit on the initial hardware sale, as there is nothing to pay upfront. For this reason, we're always incentivised to provide the best service possible. Whatsmore, at the end of your initial agreement, you can opt for a full technology refresh while maintaining similar WiFi as a Service monthly fees. No CAPEX is required to ensure your hotel is always using the latest technology needed to provide a fantastic service.
A common perception of this type of managed service is that the monthly fees must be high to account for the fact that no capital investment is needed. However, due to agreements we have with hardware manufacturers alongside our buying power, we are fortunate to be able to pass the savings on to our customers to ensure that we always remain extremely competitive.

If you feel your hotel could benefit from a WiFi or data line upgrade and are curious to find out more about Wifirst managed services, please get in contact, we'd be happy to assist.

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