New uses of the Internet

New devices, new services and new uses

Core network Wifirst

Wifirst built its network core in 2011 and "produces" its own Internet since. All customer data flows are centralized in our datacenters, and then go to the internet in two possible forms:

  1. PEERING: We have direct interconnections between our servers and those of the largest content providers of the web (Google, Netflix, Akamai, Apple, Facebook, etc.) and we dimension pro-actively the "pipes" to adapt to the uses of our customers.
  2. TRANSIT: In cases (less than 10% of traffic) where we do not have peering with the requested content, flows are routed to the right servers through our agreements with "transit operators".

Equipment rate

We realized our own study with our student customers to evaluate their equipment rate: 1 student on average has 3 connected devices (mainly computers and smartphones, then tablets, game consoles, connected TVs, watches connected or WiFi printers).

TOP 5: Google, Netflix, Akamai, Facebook and Apple

Nearly 2/3 of the internet traffic on the Wifirst network concerns 5 content providers:

  1. Google: the n° 1 historic thanks to the consumption of streaming on Youtube.
  2. Netflix: a spectacular progression of Netflix which is the paying platform of streaming which meets the biggest success.
  3. Akamai: this CDN (Content Delivery Network) broadcasts the content of many actors such as Spotify, TF1 or France TV.
  4. Facebook: the social network confirms its status as a key player in web usages.
  5. Apple: Apple's presence in the Top 5 reflects a good penetration of the brand among our users.
Uses of the internet